What have you learnt from audience feedback?
Our audience feedback has been essential throughout our production of the music video. From the rough cut to the final cut, other people's views have strongly helped us in improving our work. We screened our rough cut in front of our media class, which consists of peers which also happen to be out target audience, and asked them to each provide feedback for us, both positive and negative fitting with their views. This allowed us to assess what was good and what was bad, letting us alter those which were issues.
Although most of the feedback we received was of a positive nature, there were also some hinters for how we were to make our video better, or even to professional quality. Our main criticisms were those of syncing, focus of the camera, a larger number of cuts towards the climax of the video and the issue of no real ending. Some mentioned that our camera movement was unstable, although this was intentional as a static camera ould not have fit with the style of music and high energy of the song.
Our audience feedback has been essential throughout our production of the music video. From the rough cut to the final cut, other people's views have strongly helped us in improving our work. We screened our rough cut in front of our media class, which consists of peers which also happen to be out target audience, and asked them to each provide feedback for us, both positive and negative fitting with their views. This allowed us to assess what was good and what was bad, letting us alter those which were issues.
Although most of the feedback we received was of a positive nature, there were also some hinters for how we were to make our video better, or even to professional quality. Our main criticisms were those of syncing, focus of the camera, a larger number of cuts towards the climax of the video and the issue of no real ending. Some mentioned that our camera movement was unstable, although this was intentional as a static camera ould not have fit with the style of music and high energy of the song.

We also showed other people within our target audience the video and asked them for further feedback. This was on our final cut. Here is what they had to say.
Audience Feedback from Sarah Chamberlain on Vimeo.
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