The animatic was a very long winded

process. First we had to draw the pictures and then transfer them to the computer and then put the images together to fit in time with the song which we have chosen. Our main problem was with the drawings. Although we had drawn a few in class, these somehow went missing so had to be replaced. As I was the one who lost them, I redrew the pictures we lost and the rest that we needed. I then went on to take photos of them all, transfer them onto the computer and from there put them into finalcut, in time with the song. It was very frustrating, especially as it was the exercise to get us used to the software and many mishaps happened. For example, after spending 2 hours on it, I forgot to render it, causing all of it to not open the next time I came to it and having to start fresh. Also, when I tried to do this, the software itself stopped showing the cuts from one image to another, so I had to start again on another computer. There were far less substantial issues with this attempt and within the next couple of lessons I got it finished.

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