Well well well, we thought we learnt it all at AS. Boy were we wrong.
At th beginning of the year, to refresh our minds, we started with the blog header. This was just a fun tinker and nothing hard as we had all used photoshop the year before in our magazine. Although the main piece of our task did not use this particular programme, we were reunited for the ancillery tasks - the digipak and the magazine advertisement.
Final cut...what a gem. What would we have done without Final cut? Fail most probably... This programme allowed us to cut, piece and edit our various different takes and put them together as one professional video. The cuts were simple, the adding them in was easy and the editing...well we let Alex have his fun there. With James' and my ideas to help, we came out with a pretty good video, even if i do say so myself. Without this programme, we would not have had the time, patience or equipment to make such a successful video. The filming would have taken much longer, as we would not have been able to piece various shots together later, but we would have had to film each bit as we wanted as we went along. We could also not have rectified the lighting and would have had to have used it how it was to begin with.
The editing was by far the longest process as we were still learning and we went along. For example, the colour correction we learnt pretty late on in the process.

Of course, like every teenager, we could not servive without the internet.
Safari and Mozilla Firefox allowed us to do much research. We could look up current videos on YOUTUBE to help us develop ideas for song, mise-en-scene, how to film and more and obviously keep you up to date right here on BLOGGER. We also gained feedback through sites such as facebook and uploaded our videos onto here via VIMEO. Without the internet, our research would have been far less thorough, our feedback more limited and we would have had to record our work in some other way...like on paper. YUCK!
Here comes the really hard working tools. The Sony DCR-HC62. To those who don't know,(shame on you) this is a video camera. The video camera which helped us created our baby. As it is compact, it was ideal for us to use for our performance. We could easily transport it and carry it around on stage. This suited us well as our whole footage was shot by hand. The only problems with this camera was that as it is outdated, the quality of our footage was not as strong as perhaps it could have been with a brand new camera. It was also difficult to reproduce as it was on a tape as opposed to a memory card, so transfer to the computer was in real time and tranfer was impossible without editing. But it still did the job.
The obvious piece of equpiment we used was the apple mac. These are the best media based computers around. We were lucky to have access to these computers as they are extremely expensive along with the programmes on them and they are not avaliable to a lot of students. Final cut is only avaliable on apple macs, so had we had a different computer, the quality of our video could have been far worse and not as professional as it has turned out to be. It also supplied to grab tool which let us take grabs as we went along to help document our progress.